Coaching you in rediscovering, reinforcing and recognizing your connections to your strengths, values, drive and resources. Heather Wilkerson Coaching partners with clients to find new direction, gain clarity of your visions of success and create a new path to greater contentment.



  • Over 15 years of Coaching experience, focusing on navigating clients through life and organizational change, transitions and roadblocks to achieve personal and professional success.

  • CPCC (Certified Professional CoActive Coach) through the Coactive Coaching Training Institute 

  • PCC (Professional Certified Coach) certified through the International Coaching Federation. 

  • Written, produced, created, and presented hundreds of professional development workshops, events, and webinars. 

  • Masters in Counseling with an emphasis on career and professional development from Georgia State University and a BA in Liberal Arts from Emory University

  • Past certifications in Change Management, Professional Counseling and Employee Assistance

  • Experience in Fortune 500 organizations, Federal Agencies, Higher Education, Healthcare plus Executive, innovative startups and career and coaching advisory services. 

CPCC Certified Co-Active Professional Coach
ICF Professional Certified Coach


  • Struggling with finding fulfillment

  • Desire to move to another level but constantly hitting roadblocks

  • Floundering, unsure of their direction

  • Can’t get out of their own way

  • Can’t take the actions needed to reach their goals



People use coaching for a number of reasons: to find a direction, to get out of a rut etc. Usually the first question turns out to be - what is the real issue?  

So many people come to me because they feel stuck in their job, are struggling with a difficult manager, trying to grow their business, feel like something is missing in their personal lives or face unexpected hardships or setbacks only to discover that the real issue was completely different - maybe they really need to find work/family balance, maybe they don’t know what they really value, maybe they find they have been sabotaging their own success through unrealistic or debilitating beliefs. Often the Coaching outcome was not only fulfilling but also completely surprising.   

The one thing all my clients have in common is they are courageous! They are not willing to stay in the status quo and they are tired of feeling numb. Taking the step of actually asking these questions, looking at your values is incredibly scary but can be incredibly freeing and uplifting.
